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The Alice In You!

So how do we discover the Alice in you? Depends on where you want to go! It is when we need the answer most, we need to step outside our comfort zone to get it. Learnings from the most successful CEOs and even those who failed to make a comeback have been clear on one account – they never paused to reflect when the going was good and they were under too much pressure to reflect when the going was not so good. This article delves into the profound elements of the dialogue between Alice and the Cheshire Cat. And it’s subtle but real impact on the lives of Nimette and Phillip.

“Cat: Where are you going?
Alice: Which way should I go?
Cat: That depends on where you are going. Alice: I don’t know.
Cat: Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.”

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

This conversation between Alice and the Cheshire Cat has remained etched in my mind as a profound truth which we tend to ignore whether its our career or personal goals.

Click here to read the full article on Thrive Global.

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